Software package for integrating microprocessor devices
Software for the integration of MP devices can be supplied either as a module complete with SCADA NPT Expert, or independently. The software package allows you to display information from various devices in a single interface without the use of specialized proprietary programs.
The software package for the integration of MP devices allows you to:
- integrate information from different RPA devices and organize on its basis a system of remote dispatch control;
- create a software package for managing digital protections, which allows reducing labor costs associated with configuring, parameterizing and operating digital protections;
- resolve issues related to the analysis of the correct operation of digital protections in emergency conditions.
The main functions of the module:
- registration of starts and trips of protection stages;
- interrogation and recording of parameters of relay protection and automation equipment (settings);
- registration of emergency events;
- registration of oscillograms of emergency processes from different microprocessor devices;
- remote control of switching equipment;
- interrogation of the state of switching equipment;
- registration of steady-state analog parameters;
- logical processing to analyze the protection;
- data processing and workflow;
- data exchange with other automation systems through standard IEC protocols and OPC technology.
SCADA NPT Expert implements a module for presenting data on devices integrated in automatic process control systems. This solution allows staff to monitor and control the operation of devices of various manufacturers within a single interface.