

Digital Substation


 In March 2011 LLC EnergyindustryAvtomatization started development of Digital Substation on the territory of the Russian Federation.

        Digital Substation  is a substation where automation and control systems are based upon IEC 61850 open standards using innovative methods for data acquisition, such as digital current and voltage transformers, RTUs and smart electronics.

Development of Russia's own Digital Substation solution allows not only to develop Russian science and manufacturing, but also achieve independence from foreign solutions. Research into technical and economic indices shows, that after reaching production version, the cost of the new solution will not exceed that of traditional automation solutions, and in some areas, like engineering, installation, hardware and software supply and commissioning it will have a significant cost advantage.


Implementation of Digital Substation technologies provides the following technological advantages:

  • significant reduction of cable connections;
  • increased precision of measurements;
  • easy to design, operate and maintain;
  • unified data exchange platform (IEC 61850);
  • high noise-immunity;
  • reduction of number of I/O modules for the APCS and RPDs, thus leading to lower cost of the units.


LLC EnergyindustryAvtomatization  offers the following innovative in-house developed equipment for Digital Substation:

  • RTUs (microRTU) for switchgear;
  • Bay control unit  with possibility to receive and transmit analog signals compliant with IEC 61850-9-2LE.


The innovative units for Digital Substation solution are modular and may combine different functionality. For example, RTU and Merging Unit may be manufactured as a single construct thus allowing to use all the advantages of the Digital Substation without need to upgrade primary equipment.

If Digital Substation equipment is installed into indoor switchgear, e.g. insulated switchgear/control gear, it is possible to combine RTU's functionality with that of  Merging Unit and connection controller thus allowing for a significant cost advantage in implementation of Digital Substation technology.

The equipment being offered allows creation of a Digital Substation solution  that includes only Russian components.


SCADA Studio Digital Substation CAD

Implementation of substation automation and control systems with traditional methods of engineering design is a labor-consuming task that escapes unification. Apperance of new international standards and informational technologies opens possibility to use modern approaches for this task allowing creation of specialized Digital Substation CAD. With implementation of IEC 61850 standard now there is a possibilty to formalize substation schematics, protection schematics, automation and measurement, device configurations.


SCADA Studio CAD developed by LLC EnergyindustryAvtomatization is based upon open standards IEC 61850-6 SCL, IEC 61970 CIM, IEC 61131. Advantage of this CAD in compatison to traditional CADs is in a possibility to adjust automation systems directly according to results of engineering design  with minimum amount of manual tasks. Another advantage is in possibility to test aotovated systems with different level of details at different stages of the engineering design process. Use of open international standards increases compatibility between software from different vendors and the CAD. Modular approach allows the functionality of the system to be extended in the future.

Software and hardware facilities for testing Digital Substation equipment:

  •  Message logger;
  • IEC 61850 device emulator. 


 Message logger IEC 61850     

      When using digital technologies, IEC 61850 proposes to implement system monitoring IEC 61850-8-1 (GOOSE) and IEC 61850-9-2 (SV) with the help of third party instruments.

            To solve this problem LLC EnergyindustryAvtomatization in 2012  developed a hardware and software solution for capturing and backup of data transmitted via IEC 61850-8-1 (GOOSE) and IEC 61850-9-2 (SV). The complex is built similar to traditional disturbance recorders: autonomous, easily parametrized, reliable, provided with possibility of disturbance logging. To facilitate data analysis all the raw data is stored as COMTRADE files which can be browsed with the help of any COMTRADE-compatible tool.


Principal features of Message Recorder hardware and software complex IEC 61850 (GOOSE & SV): 


1.     Recording of GOOSE messages being transmitted through the network;

2.     Recording of SV messages being transmitted through the network;

3.     Oscillogramme generation as  COMTRADE files for GOOSE and SV;

4.     Events backup.


Emulator of IEC 61850-8-1/9-2 compatible devices

         The emulator of IEC 61850-8-1/9-2 compatible devices provides solution for the following problems:      

  • modelling of a microprocessor device within the SAS in the lab (test bench) conditions without access to a hardware implementation of such type of device to check functionality of middle and top level components;
  • automation of so-called storm test in an SAS inspection;
  • functional check of a real microprocessor device that receives data from a number of other devices by means of GOOSE protocol;
  • check for correct functioning of upper and middle level components by means of different methods (services) of data exchange as provided by IEC 61850-8-1 protocol.
  • check for correct functioning of the station level bus components using IEC 61850-9-2 protocol.


The simulator is a hardware and software solution designed as an industrial PC working under Microsoft Windows operating system. To model actions of automation system and protective relaying and automation devices it is possible to emulate up to 60  smart devices simultaneously. In modelling of simultaneous action of several devices there are provisions for synchronous control of the devices' behaviour.