Remote Terminal Unit (NPT microRTU)

   Remote Terminal Units manufactured by LLC EnergyindustryAvtomatization are intended for acquisition of discrete information (status of switching units, control switches, winterization heater units etc.) and control of the switching units. Principal feature of the RTUs is that they are mounted very close to the switching units thus shortening cabling length at a substation. RTUs are provided with outputs for control of the switching units. The RTUs can be synchronized with accuracy of 1 ms or better. Data transfer from the RTU is accomplished by fiber-optics communication which is a part of a process bus according to IEC 61850-8-1 protocol (GOOSE). Command transfer to the switching units is also implemented through the RTU by means of IEC 61850-8-1 protocol (GOOSE).






  • Data input about status of single bay switching units 110kV or higher, transfer of the data to the control room of the APCS, RPA and EA  via GOOSE messages (IEC 61850-8-1);
  • Input of additional control signals for the switching units and other primary equipment and their transfer to APCS controllers by means of GOOSE messages (IEC 61850-8-1);
  • The switching units control signals transmission from the control room by means of GOOSE messages (IEC 61850-8-1);
  • Breaker control signals transmission from the control room, RPA and EA by means of GOOSE messages (IEC 61850-8-1);
  • Self-check up to a single module and data transmission by  MMS protocol (IEC 61850-8-1) to SCADA.   



 The equipment is mounted at an open switchgear, very close to the switching units.


NPT microRTU equipment design

  • NPT microRTU controller is mounted on an outdoor rack with protection class IP54;
  • Modules intended for operation within the NPT microRTU controller are provided with moisture protection;
  • Working temperature ranges from - 40 to +65 С.


Internal package

Hot swapping-compatible I/O modules.


Discrete input module:

  • 32 inputs (4 groups of 8 signals);
  • event logging up to 1 ms precision;
  • input voltage = 220V;
  • low impedance (120 kOhm) allows using the equipment together with Bender Line Isolation Monitors.


Discrete input module for breaker control (according to RD34.35.153.310):

  • 16 inputs (4 groups of 4 signals each);
  • event logging up to 1 ms precision;
  • input voltage = 220V;
  • low impedance (36 kOhm) allows using the equipment together with Bender Line Isolation Monitors.


 Discrete control module:

  • 16 control channels with relay-controlled output;
  • false-alarm protection on a base of rigid logic;
  •    relay output pin diagnostics.