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APCS. Hardware and software solutions
Hardware and software solutions for automation of power facilities
SAS/DARS systems for power facilities of Voltage Grade 110kv or less
Innovations. Digital Substation
Выносносное УСО (NPT microRTU)
Remote Terminal Unit (NPT microRTU) Remote Terminal Units manufactured by LLC EnergyindustryAvtomatization are intended for acquisition of discrete information (status of switching units, control switches, winterization heater units etc.) and control of the switching units. Principal feature of the RTUs is that they are mounted very close to the switching units thus shortening cabling length at a substation. RTUs are provided with outputs for control of the switching units. The RTUs can be synchronized with accuracy of 1 ms or better. Data transfer from the RTU is accomplished by fiber-optics communication which is a part of a process bus according to IEC 61850-8-1 protocol (GOOSE). Command transfer to the switching units is also implemented through the RTU by means of IEC 61850-8-1 protocol (GOOSE).
Installation: The equipment is mounted at an open switchgear, very close to the switching units.
NPT microRTU equipment design
Internal package Hot swapping-compatible I/O modules.
Discrete input module:
Discrete input module for breaker control (according to RD34.35.153.310):
Discrete control module: