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LLC EnergyindustryAutomatization is the best company in the field of advertising! Grand Prix of ELEKTROREKLAMA 2013.
03.07.2013 00:01
LLC EnergyindustryAutomatization, one of the recognized leaders in the field of power facility automation, has received the recognition for creation of the best advertising campaign to promote its products in the electricity market. On June 19, 2013 an award ceremony for ELEKTROREKLAMA 2013 nominees among advertisers in the energy and electricity sectors was held in CEC Expocentre as part of the 22nd international exhibition Electro 2013. LLC EnergyindustryAutomatization was honoured with the highest award from the judges and received the Grand Prix.
New opportunities, new achievements. LLC EnergyindustryAutomatization has successfully completed research and development for distribution networks of Tyumenenergo OJSC branch – Nizhnevartovsk Electrical Networks (EN).
02.06.2013 19:24
The last stage of R&D for the networks of Tyumenenergo OJSC Branch – Nizhnevartovsk EN associated with development and commissioning of an automated system for acquisition and review of emergency information from heterogeneous distributed sources, which provides information interaction with them, has been completed. The information acquisition sources are modern microprocessor-based emergency process recording systems, as well as relay protection and automation terminals.
Jerusalem welcomed foreign guests. LLC «EnergyindustryAutomatization» took part in the international conference of SATEC Ltd. partners
29.04.2013 23:31
From April 22 to 26, 2013 in Jerusalem, The international conference of SATEC Ltd regional distributors. As part of the meeting the company’s real positions in the market of devices and systems of quality control and electricity metering, the further development paths, the business plans for the future were presented and the technical training in new products of the company was provided.
Aleksander Viktorovich Segal, General Director of LLC EnergyindustryAutomatization, has been awarded with «European Standard» gold medal for effective management and achieving the international management standards.
21.04.2013 23:14
The awarding ceremony took place on April 16, 2013 at the headquarters of the Russian Organization for Quality (Panorama Business Centre, Moscow). Professor Gennadiy Voronin, President of the Russian Organization for Quality, Chairman of the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce for quality, has presented the award. The award is annually given by European Standard International Association (ESIA) under the Expert program having the same name based on European procedures for appraisal of business achievements. This program is being implemented as part of a global movement for quality and performs the tasks associated with drawing attention to the significance of high-quality products, services, management and sustainable development of the economy. European expert committee takes the decision on giving the award. Awarding of the Gold Medal of «European Standard» International prize confirms the high standards of quality and professionalism of «EnergyindustryAutomatization». < Архив новостей |