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EnergopromAutomation LLC participates in 10th international conference “Relay protection and automation of energy systems”
05.05.2017 17:47
The 10th international conference “Relay protection and automation of energy systems - 2017” took place in Saint-Petersburg (CEC Expoforum) between April, 25 and 28 (RPA-2017).
Experts of EnergopromAutomation LLC presented a complex of innovative solutions at the forum “RELAVEXPO-2017” in Cheboksary.
21.04.2017 15:31
The IV Research and Practice Conference “Relay protection and automation of electrical systems of Russia” took place on April, 20 within the framework of the forum “RELAVEXPO-2017”.
EnergopromAutomation wins the nomination “Development of a unique Russian software product for automation of energy facilities” at the exhibition “Electrical Networks of Russia – 2016”
26.12.2016 12:43
The international specialized exhibition “Electrical Networks of Russia – 2016” took place in Moscow between December, 6 and 9. EnergopromAutomation LLC traditionally participated in it.
Energopromautomation LLC is developing a corporate data management system for Transneft PJSC
18.10.2016 12:07
In September 2016 the company executed an agreement titled “The development of corporate data management and analytical system for diagnostics of power equipment” for the needs of Transneft PJSC.
EnergopromAutomation has become a member of International Council on large-scale high voltage electrical systems (CIGRE)
05.10.2016 12:47
International Council on large-scale high voltage electrical systems (CIGRE) is one of the largest international non-governmental and non-commercial organizations in the field of power industry. < Архив новостей |