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EnergopromAutomation LLC experts have completed their project for remote control of equipment of substations Shelokov 500 kV and Centralnaya 220 kV  17.06.2016 14:09

The Unified Energy System saw the completion of the first Russian project for remote control of a 500 kW substation. 

EnergopromAutomation takes part in International Exhibition of manufacturers of relay protection systems and automation equipment.  31.05.2016 10:43

EnergopromAutomation LLC actively participated in XXII International Exhibition and scientific and practical conference called “Relay protection and automation of energy systems-2016”, which took place between May, 25 and 27 in Moscow at VDNH complex in Pavilion No. 55 “Electrification”. 

About the Russian-Finnish Workshop  25.04.2016 10:37

On February 19, 2016, EnergopromAutomation held a workshop “Russian automated control systems for power industry and other industrial applications” for energy companies of Finland, supported by the Commercial Consulate of the Russian Federation. The meeting gathered representatives of Finnish and Russian energy, power distributing, projecting and consulting companies, industrial associations and unions.  


Project called “Reconstruction of ORU-110/220 kW control system of Votkinskaya hydro plant for RusHydro PJSC” put into industrial operation  01.02.2016 10:30

At the end of 2015 the project called “Reconstruction of ORU-110/220 kW control system of Votkinskaya hydro plant for RusHydro PJSC” was put into industrial operation. The project involved the creation of a data management complex as part of the microprocessing protection for the connection of ORU-110/220 kW for RusHydro PJSC.    

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